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  • 3 Sep 2020 5:57 PM | Deleted user

    Check out the Faculty Association's webpage to read the investigative report shared by the Interim Maricopa Employee Senate. 

  • 1 Sep 2020 7:00 PM | Calvin DeVoll (Administrator)

    The shenanigans at the Maricopa County Community College District don’t seem to end.

    The troublemaker this time is governing board member Kathleen Winn, whose meddling in the search for a new chancellor halted the process indefinitely.

    Turns out the vice-chair of the search committee had somebody specific in mind to replace former Chancellor Maria Harper-Marinick, and according to a district-commissioned report, that damaged the integrity of the process.

    Read more here...

  • 21 Jan 2019 9:08 AM | Shannon Ridgeway-Monaco (Administrator)

    See the resolution, starting on page 4 of the agenda linked below:

    01.22.19 GB Agenda.pdf

  • 20 Jan 2019 10:50 PM | Shannon Ridgeway-Monaco (Administrator)

  • 2 Aug 2018 6:59 PM | Deleted user

    Follow the link to get information regarding Dr.Bustamante's resignation as Rio Salado's President.


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